- 09:45 Greets - The Crew
- 10:00 Securing the Long White Cloud - Sarah Young
- 10:45 My Toyota Corolla - Jed Laundry
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 BASE jumping is just applied risk assesment - richö butts
- 12:15 A picture tells a 1000 words - Pete Gent
- 12:30 Network Pentesting: teaching some old tricks to young dogs - Sam Shute
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:30 Progress your Security Career - Ricki Burke
- 15:00 Camera obscura - Tom Isaacson
- 15:15 ATT&CK’ing it wrong - how to use ATT&CK effectively at an NZ scale - Hamish Krebs
- 15:45 Break
- 16:15 An approach to hacking consumer electronics - Ben Knight
- 16:30 Never Have I Ever - Petra Smith
- 17:00 DXCoded - Attacking Pushbutton Combination Locks - Logan Woods
- 17:30 Closing - The Crew
- 09:55 Greets - The Crew
- 10:00 Exploring New Zealand’s internet IP space in style - ss23 and haquaman
- 10:30 Blame the Virus - Sera Walker
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Easy Anti-Rekognition Techniques - Ben Loula
- 12:00 A Recipe for Password Storage: Add Salt to Taste - Nick Malcolm
- 12:30 RFID Implants For Fun (and security) - Kay Ward
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:30 The future of threat intelligence through the lens of APT29 - Kade Morton
- 15:15 Monitoring and debugging with Minecraft - Jeremy Stott
- 15:45 Break
- 16:15 No… that’s my Lime - Tokala
- 16:30 Context: the answer to life the universe and everything - Wade Winright
- 17:00 Panel Discussion
- 17:45 Closing - The Crew